WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies
Port Louis, Mauritius
WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies

Transport Services

We give the best Services

Welcome to WD Associates Ltd, Transport division – your trusted partner for inland transportation services. We offer reliable and cost-effective inland transport solutions that are tailored to meet your unique business needs.

Our team is equipped with a fleet of well-maintained vehicles and highly trained drivers who are committed to providing safe and efficient transportation of your goods. We have a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, vans, and trailers, to accommodate any size and type of cargo.

At WD Associates Ltd, we understand the importance of timely and reliable inland transport, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that their goods are delivered on time and in the most cost-effective manner. Our team has extensive experience in inland transport, and we are equipped with the latest technologies and tools to provide real-time tracking and monitoring of your cargo.

Whether you need transportation services for local or regional deliveries, our company has got you covered. We prioritize safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in all our transportation solutions, so you can rest assured that your goods are in good hands.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your inland transportation needs and take your business to the next level.

  • FCL
  • LCL
  • Container Stuffing/ Unstuffin
  • Inland Transfer
  • Special Equipment for Projects
  • From / To Airport
  • Staff Transport
  • Crew Change
  • Event Conveyance
  • VIP Transfers
  • Shuttle Services
  • Excursions around the Island
  • Air Tickets


  • 5th Floor, Shehnaz tower, Louis Pasteur Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
  • + 230 2173999
    +230 52585799
  • Info@wdasso.com


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Port Louis Mauritius
(10am - 05 pm)