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Port Louis, Mauritius
WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies

Bunker guides

Bunker Guides in Mauritius

Bunkering in Mauritius is made easy with WD Associates Co Ltd, the first shipping agent in Port-Louis to provide a Quick Reference Guide for bunker trading. Our guide contains the most up-to-date and relevant information on bunker traders and bunkering in Port-Louis, ensuring you have all the information you need to make informed decisions. Bunkering is the process of taking fuel from either land-based pipelines or barges, and at Port-Louis, this can be done at berth or anchorage. We offer both services, with well-maintained pipelines for quay delivery and a diverse set of suppliers operating barges for anchorage services. For any additional information, please email us at info@wdasso.com.

Quays available at Port-Louis Bunkering : Rules and Regulations
Name Length Depth Vessel Type
A 210m 12.2m Black oil, Fuel oil, Edible oil, General cargo, Maize, Molasses, Soya-bean meal,Wheat, Passengers and Inter-island trade
D 170m 12.2m Black oil, Fuel oil, Edible oil, General cargo, Maize, Molasses, Soya-bean meal,Wheat, Passengers and Inter-island trade
E 135m 9m Black oil, General cargo, Passengers and Inter-island trade
Trou Fanfaron I 160m 5.5m Fish
Trou Fanfaron II 185m 6m Fish
Froid de Mascareignes 310m 4.6 - 8.0m Fish
No.1 123m 12.2m Black Oil, Coal,Fertilizers, White oil
No.2 180m 12.2m Cement,Coal, Containers, General Cargo
No.3 185m 12.2m General Cargo & Containers
No.4 185m 12.2m General Cargo, Containers, LPG & Bitumen
Bulk Sugar Terminal 210m 12.2m Bulk sugar, Black oil
Mauritius Freeport Development 118m 7.0m Fish
MCT1 280m 14.0m Containers
MCT2 280m 14.0m Containers

The below outlines the main rules a vessel owner/charterer must know to bunker at Port-Louis

  • Deliveries are carried out all around the clock (24/24) by all suppliers.
  • All deliveries MUST be done within set limits (i.e 2 nautical miles max from the fair way buoy). *
  • Pilot & tug assistance compulsory within the inner harbour for all vessels above 100 GRT.
  • Mooring buoys within the inner harbour (maximum vessel draft 11,0 metres).
  • Outer Anchorage (between 17 and 70 metres water depth), but still within official Port Limits.
  • Useful Outer Anchorage Positions for bunkering operations: 20 08.50 S – 057 27.87 E, 20 07.43 S - 057 27.89 E
  • Independent Bunker Surveyors can be made available upon request 

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