WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies
Port Louis, Mauritius
WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies

Port Facilities

Tugs Services Taxi Boat Services

As a leading port agency in Mauritius, we provide comprehensive tug assistance services for ocean-going vessels navigating in the local waters. Tug assistance is crucial for the safe maneuvering of ships to and from berths, especially in adverse weather conditions or complex waterways. Our team at WD Associates Ltd coordinates with the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) to arrange for tug assistance based on ship size and specific requirements. In case of technical failure or emergency situations, tug assistance ensures the safety of the ship and crew. Please contact us for further information or assistance with tug services in Mauritius.

At WD Associates Ltd, we understand the importance of providing efficient and reliable transportation services for crew members. That's why we offer Taxi Boat Services for easy and safe transport to and from vessels at anchorage. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff operate our taxi boats, which are well-equipped with comfortable seating and shelter from the weather. Our taxi boats have a seating capacity ranging from 15 to 30 passengers, providing flexibility to accommodate different crew sizes. Trust us to provide seamless transportation services to your crew members while ensuring their comfort and safety. Contact us today to learn more.

PictureNameLOABreadthPassengersGoods Volume
Taxi Boat PictureBoat LB 1079m120.9m30(inner harbour)5 Tons
Taxi Boat PictureBoat LB 17610m101m4030(inner harbour)5 Tons
Taxi Boat PictureBoat LB 1429m600.9m30(inner harbour)3 Tons
Taxi Boat PictureBoat LB 142 BIG LAUNCH12m901m5515(outer harbour)3 Tons

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Port Louis Mauritius
(10am - 05 pm)