WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies
Port Louis, Mauritius
WD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of CompaniesWD Associates Ltd -  Group of Companies

Shipping Agency

Efficient shipping agency services in Mauritius for hassle-free port formalities and logistics.

Logistics Support

Reliable logistic support for seamless transportation and supply chain operations.

Other services

Crew change, shuttle services, Air tickets & Excursions, we got you all covered.
Combining global practices with local expertise

We cover all aspects of the Shipping industry

Port Agency and all husbandry related services/ shipchandling
Bunker Trader, arrangement and ship supply
Expert in the handling of oil-rigs/drill ships at OPL
Specialist in tanker (liquid/gas), bulker and other casual/technical/repairs calls
Specialist for fishing and livestock vessels.
Maritim Security services, not limited to handling of arms & ammunitions/security personnelle
Hull cleaning & inspections
Logistics projects and freight forwarding services
Agency representation for oceanographic/ research and military vessels
Customer Experience

Who we serve

Fishing vessels & reefer ships

Oil Rigs

Bulk Carriers

Luxury Yachts

fishing vessel

Your trusted partner in providing top-quality shipping and logistics services in Mauritius

With our expert team and extensive experience in the industry, we have established a proven track record of delivering reliable and efficient solutions to our clients. Whether you need help with shipping, logistics, or related services, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you succeed.

Reviews from our satisfied clients.

Fueling your journey with efficient bunkering solutions in Mauritius.

Get a free quote here

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Port Louis Mauritius
    (10am - 05 pm)